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Heat Iron Socket Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe
Safety and Heat Fusion (0:27)
Lab Notes - Safety and Heat Fusion
Before You Get Started
Open lab notes
What tools and equipment do you need? (0:51)
Lab Notes - What tools and equipment do you need?
Weather Conditions
How does weather affect your fuse? (0:44)
Lab Notes - How does weather affect your fuse?
Required Heat Iron Socket Fusion Times
What is the total heat time for heat iron socket fusion on 2" IPS? (0:30)
Lab Notes - What is the total heat time for heat iron socket fusion on 2" IPS?
Heat Iron Socket Fusion Selection and Inspection
What are you looking for when inspecting the pipe? (0:28)
Lab Notes - What are you looking for when inspecting the pipe?
Heat Iron Socket Fusion Preparation
What is the first step in Heat Iron Socket Fusion? (0:45)
Lab Notes - What is the first step in Heat Iron Socket Fusion?
Clean Zone (1:38)
Lab Notes - Clean Zone
What's the purpose of the chamfer tool? (1:13)
Lab Notes - What's the purpose of the chamfer tool?
What is used to prepare the surface for Heat Iron Socket Fusion? (1:19)
Lab Notes - What is used to prepare the surface for Heat Iron Socket Fusion?
Heat Iron Socket Fusion
What is the proper heat iron temperature for Heat Iron Socket Fusion on 2" polyethylene pipe? (0:49)
Lab Notes - What is the proper heat iron temperature for Heat Iron Socket Fusion on 2" polyethylene pipe?
What is the sequence of Socket Fusion? (1:21)
Lab Notes - What is the sequence of Socket Fusion?
Visual Inspection of Heat Iron Socket Fusion Connection
What makes a successful socket fuse? (0:14)
Lab Notes - What makes a successful socket fuse?
Remove an Unacceptable Fitting
AOC Disable Unacceptable Fitting (1:11)
Lab Notes - AOC Disable Unacceptable Fitting
What is the proper heat iron temperature for Heat Iron Socket Fusion on 2" polyethylene pipe?
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